For years I have been convinced that most or possibly all learning happens due to being immersed in a study because of an interest a learner has instead of forcing studies on a "learner". I am surer than ever that this is true now that I have been able to see a bit more of the country. As I stay in a particular area, I want to know where I am in relation to my home state, what recreational opportunities exist around us, and where to find stores, libraries, etc. It encourages me to study. I enjoy it. It is part of my life. I retain more than I did when I was forced to study for a test.
Two recent adventures that stand as examples are visits to Elkton, MD and Dover, DE.
This stop included a stay at beautiful Woodlands Camping Resort.
A quick internet search revealed just how close Chesapeake Bay is. An outing to explore the area led to a 100-foot bluff which is home to Turkey Point Light Station and stunning views of the bay. The 1.9 mile out and back trail in Elk Neck State Park is gorgeous. Honeysuckle lines much of the path making it sweet as well as pretty.
In Delaware, the main attraction was the Air Mobility Command Museum on Dover Air Force Base, and the campsite offered added excitement as military planes continuously flew in and out right behind us.
Before driving out, a tour of the museum was a must.
Retired Air Force One Plane
A first glimpse of this contraption makes one hope nobody had to actually get in there. But the fact is the ball turret was manned by a gunner whose job it was to estimate the range, speed, and path of an attacker then align and fire.
This museum is another example of the many resources available to bring information and awareness of our country's history. The only thing that could have made this visit better is more time there to explore.
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