Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park
The one thing we kept wondering as we trekked through this place was "How did we not ever hear about this one before?"😕
Come along with us as we share an unforgettable tour in Montrose, CO.
One can certainly begin to feel tiny contrasted with this immensity.
We stood in awe, captured, as best we could, the beauty, and moved on to take in more of the greatness we had the privilege of surrounding ourselves with.
From overshadowing rocky crags to glistening emerald green water making its way through the canyon and so much more, this park continuously serves up one awe inspiring moment after another.
Although a chance to gawk at these climbers steadily making their way up was awesome, the lizard grabbing a few minutes to relax and bask seemed like a much easier guy to imitate. Sorry, but no pictures of us scaling any mountains available today😏
Do you see this one taking it all in while perched on that rock?
Let's get a closer look.
We and our new reptilian friend will say bye for now, but check us out later as we share more of the grandeur the national parks continue to bring😊
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