Glenns Ferry, ID


Before arriving in the Rigby area, we made a stop in Glenns Ferry. We knew nothing about the place other than that it was a fine three night "layover" to launch us to our Swan Valley campground. We were itching to hook up for a nice three week stretch considering the travel plans we roped ourselves into up to this point had us on an exhausting stop and go track. We're learning as we go that we should slow it down sometimes instead of looping around the map greedily snatching every opportunity before us.

But considering the historical riches here, it was time to jump in again! 

 We now introduce a city that grabbed our attention and kept us hungry for more.

A talented Gustavus "Gus" Glenn had a wonderful idea. A ferry capable of supporting the weight of two wagons would drastically change the way in which the Snake River was being crossed. This would obviously benefit those moving freight. But, as we, these days, remember the Oregon Trail, it's the pioneers traveling west who tend to be the focus. With that in mind, we devoured the lessons before us. To begin, we drove a few minutes to one of Idaho's twenty-seven state parks.

Being able to walk along the trail and view an actual historical artifact such as this ferry was intriguing in itself. But Glenns Ferry went above and beyond with this museum.

We loved walking through this one!

To conclude our day, we headed up to get this view of the Snake River highlighting the three-island area known as the most dangerous crossing along the Oregon Trail.  

Are you still thinking Idaho is just potatoes?😉

We certainly are not!!


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