Lexington, KY Serving Up Exciting Learning Opportunities
While The Horse Capital of the World is obviously a great place to learn about everything equestrian related, we found the following two places of interest just as absorbing.
Join us as we dive into these history lessons hidden in intriguing field trips.
This tribute to the Bluegrass state and its involvement in many amazing flight related contributions includes a walk through the Kentucky Aviation Hall of Fame and an opportunity to sit just outside of the museum doors and closely observe planes flying in and out of the airport. As thrilling as this is, it only scratches the surface.
From information on very early pursuits in flight to major military achievements, there are loads to discover while spending time at the Aviation Museum of Kentucky.
While turning over stones in Lexington, we visited the Mary Todd Lincoln House for a close look at this 1860's first lady.
Debate and controversy have surrounded accounts of her life for more than 150 years. Opinions are abundant and easy to come by. Many assume she and Abraham Lincoln were mismatched and state that family members agreed. Others hold fast to the idea that she suffered mental illness even aside from the many tragedies she dealt with.
It is sad to have these and many other theories mixed in while touring the house she occupied as a teen. It seems we should simply enjoy being able to walk through a gorgeous 1800's home full of historical value, remember the family and contributions, and leave the rest alone. After all, one thing of importance we can all identify with is that Mary Todd Lincoln was, as we all are, a complex individual with many ideas, emotions, struggles, and experiences to call her own. The fact that she loved, was married to, and probably eagerly supported one of the United States of America's most honored presidents should impede the negative topics discussed.
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