Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Admissions are real. We'll disclose the fact that we had not heard of this one before😐 What a relief that we didn't zoom through North Dakota without becoming aware! Let's first turn our attention to the highly social and super tiny (1-3 pounds) black-tailed prairie dogs. To say they are abundant here is a huge understatement! While we could have stayed forever watching these little guys and listening to their squeaking calls, we forced ourselves to drive on. Walking this trail and soaking up these views made us happy we'd torn ourselves away from the little "doggies" for a minute. Maltese Cross Cabin A temporary home that Theodore Roosevelt spent a large portion of time in. It's not every day one is given the opportunity to walk through a late 1800s cabin especially one belonging to a United States President who contributed so much to the nation and is celebrated still today. Taking a glimpse at the following image might give the impression that an...