Guess Who's 5 Years Old!

Yes indeed! Cannon has turned 5, and what fun he's been having! He's become quite the mini golf enthusiast! Badges are being earned in the Junior Ranger program. With so much historical value to be found right here in the park, a guided tour through the homestead was a must. A short tour was great. But was a 3-mile hike necessary? I suppose so! If the hike was necessary, so was the restful break. A bench sitting there waiting for the weary hikers passing by was like a mirage in the Sahara. While on the subject of benches near a beautiful lake, this image has got to be included. Who wouldn't be ecstatic about booking a stay in this lakeside spot? As we shift gears to a bit of indoor fun, we have got to give a thumbs up to the local library staff in Lincolnton. A story and craft time with a baby duck surprise encounter was a real treat to enjoy. Being able to use the local library is a huge plus. We have been welcomed and encouraged to make use of a temporary ...