Georgia On My Mind

The year 2022 ends, for us, here in southern Georgia.......Georgia Veterans Memorial State Park in Cordele to be exact. We are enjoying a long, serene, "camping trip" complete with nature hikes, squirrels, deer, exploring the surrounding area, and the opportunity to connect with other work campers. So far, just the perfect blend of downtime and adventure. As we have made it a habit to scope the area we find ourselves in, we searched recently and found some nearby jewels. Two of these are the Jimmy Carter National Historical Park and Andersonville National Historic Site, and we definitely enjoyed touring both. ←←←←←←← ←But, with that said, not rewinding to the adventures 🌞Summer 2022 offered us would be just unacceptable. We turned over many stones in the Great Smoky Mountains as we made Deep Creek Tube Center and Ca...